Friday, May 4, 2012

What Can Parents Do When the Teachers and Schools Fail Their Children?

First stop remembering how it was when you went to school. Come to grips with those thoughts. You would not have to put on your boxing gloves if you sent your child to a private school, but that is a story for another day, right? Try not to go inside your closet and cry a little. You will not have to seek therapy or counsel if you follow some of the additional suggestions below.

Now, with much courage on your part, make sure you become a member of the school parent, teacher association. Become an active voice. When the group asks for volunteers for special events make sure your hand is up and ready to do some work.

Get a classroom work schedule from your child's teacher. Follow it closely and make sure your child does the work. Yes, you may have to be a police person for a while. Volunteer to help your child's teacher if you have the time. I understand there are many parents working and really do not have the time, nor the patience.

You must dissect your child's grades and measure where he or she needs that additional help. You may have to hire a tutor or send them to an after school program. It may cost a stretch, but no one said this was going to be a cake walk. There also may be after school learning program at your school. The YWCA or YMCA offers after school programs and they are not that pricey. There maybe some free ones.

Encourage the school administration, to offer accelerated learning practices. Back to school night is a perfect time to suggest to your child's teachers to use accelerated learning practices in their instruction. Do a little research on your part and try to get a specialist in the field. Do not go weepy and accept an average basic skills learning or enrichment program. You want a program that features your child learning his or her preferred learning style. Can you just imagine if your child could learn his or her learning style? Can you imagine them knowing how they learn material best? How much would that be worth to you? What price would you pay? That would be a possible ticket to doing well in class and maybe going on to college.You want a program that includes at least the following areas of concentration: multiple intelligences, progressive relaxation, visual training, brainstorming or mind mapping methods, rapid and speed reading, and how to pass any test preocedures, and my favorite learn the hottest memory techniques.

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