Monday, May 7, 2012

Tips for Pre-school

Pre-school curriculum that nurtures and stimulates your child’s mind is not followed in many schools. Pre-school education in India is often very limited. One school that ensures the proper development and growth of your child is Little Millennium. Pre-school curriculum that ensures the proper growth of the child will ensure, your child is successful when it goes to regular school. 

Selecting the correct pre-school is not an easy task. Here are some pointers towards choosing the correct nursery school for your child. 

Start Early: Good pre-schools in India are in great demand. Especially those who have a good reputation may have a long waiting list. Many schools register just after the birth of the baby or by the time the baby has completed two years of age.

Visit the pre-school you are keen on admitting your child to. This will give you are clearer picture of what your child is in for. Go with your child and see how your child adjusts initially. Talk in advance to your child about the visit and tell him what he will see and learn at the school, and let him see if it finds the same features in the school. After the visit, listen to your child’s comments before deciding on the school.
Check out the curriculum, the student and staff turnover. How many teachers per student are there. What kind of health and safety arrangements do they have. Do they have meal arrangements for the kids. Opt for the school only if you are comfortable with the answers provided to you.

Talk to parents whose kids are already enrolled at the school. Ask them, how they like the arrangements at the school, do their kids like the school are they happy and are they learning there. Do their kids show keenness to attend school, or they want to avoid school. Ask if they have any concerns from the school.
Find out if your child can try out the school curriculum, before it takes the final admission to the school.
If after all the research you like the school schedule, them give your child time to adjust to the new school. Your child may be shy or just plain reluctant to go to school. He may simply not want to attend school.
Pre-schools, teach many social skills to children like being independent and sharing and following directions, see whether your kids preschool has activities built into their curriculum which teach your child these skills.

When do I apply?
Many pre-schools start taking admission applications in January and some take in the month of April. Find out about your chosen school and apply in time. 

No matter what everybody says, you are the best judge to decide what kind of school environment is suitable for your child.

Keep your child’s personality in mind. Is it shy? Does it make friends easily? Is it an extrovert, or does it show tendency to bully. Knowledge of your child’s personality will help you decide whether your chosen pre-school caters to these aspects of its personality. For instance, if your child is shy do they have activities that help the child get rid of its shyness? Choosing the right nursery school is a daunting task, but if you do your homework, before you admit your child to a school, you shouldn’t face any problems.

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