Friday, May 25, 2012

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

The three National Organizations that I chose is the U.S Alliance for Early Childhood, Alliance for Early Childhood U.K, and the European Alliance for Early Childhood. I chose them because they all have the same focus to restore play to earlychldhood. The U.S. Alliance has a mission to promote policies and practices that support children's healthy development for a love of learning, and the joy of living. Their public education campaign is to have a more just, democratic, ecologically responsible future. They also strive to make playgrounds more fun and accessible. Some communities have built playgrounds with themes that will appeal to more children; one that has been successful is one that teaches science. They also partner with pediatritions and other influential people in the community that can maked a difference. The alliance in the U.K. has a group of moms who started Street Play. Their mission is to provide safe access to informal play by setting up these street play dates,providing workshops for residence and parents, coordinating street organizers, providing free resources and advice, educating the community on the benefits of play,and working with policy makers to enable street play. The Alliance in Europe strives to improve the quality of childhood. Their focus is on the toxic effects of our cultural changes. More specifically, how the modern world is damaging our children and what we cando about it. I also like the CAYC because their mission is to let children play, as their focus is on birth through nine years of age. They provide professional development to those who care for children in any capacity. I chose all of these because their mission had a focus on play. It was interesting for me to see how other countries are addressing the lack of play issue. The one that was especially helpful was the street play that the mom's started in the U.k. You can see it on It showed me that anyone can make change, and that is a job that is available to anyone. Other than that, I did not find any job opportunities but just becoming a member and being a part of a coalition. In order to be a part of these organizations or Alliances I think some experience in how children grow and learn would be important so that you can be an informed advocate. But, for the advocacy I read about, it did not take any prerequisite except to want the best quality childhood possible for our children.

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