Friday, May 4, 2012

How to Accelerate Learning While You Read

Here are a few ways to truly accelerate learning while you read. The first way, is to always select a place of comfort and one that you will not be disturbed.

You need to ask yourself, what is my favorite reading place?

Make sure you take care of all your bathroom needs and stomach urges.

If you are like my daughter, you would like to have a glass of milk or water and some cookies nearby just to handle those little moments.

If your time allows, hold the book in your hands and look at the title. Study it for a minute or two. Set the book down, and take out a sheet of paper and write all the impressions you might have of the book without actually opening the book.

If you get writer's block, just hold the title in your mind's eye for a minute or two, and whatever comes to mind write it down, it does not have to be in complete sentences, nor does it have to be in any strict order.

I am mostly concerned about words and words and more words. Close your eyes for a moment to see if that will generate a little more information.

Remember, write down the good and the bad, the vulgar and the silly. All words count in this exercise. For example, what would you think, if you were able to unload many words from this book before even opening and reading it. Wouldn't that be interesting?

Also, what would happen if while you started to read, a whole, new flood of ideas and suggestions came to mind and peeked your interest to a much higher level.

As you read, use some of the marvelous skills that come from knowing how to use your multiple intelligences. For example, when a person is portrayed and described in the reading, you must make sure you see that person in your mind's eye.

When there is smoke make sure you see it, smell it and maybe even hear the wood crackling. Hn regards to the sense of smell, make sure you take in that aroma that is described.

If you can touch items, do so. Do not fail to allow your imagination to get the best of you. If you have to put down the book for a while, do so and review the words and read them again silently, but do not move your lips as you read.

Reading out loud is a very different story and practice.

If you do not mind, try to role play the scenes or get out of your chair and set the imagination to play. That works wonderfully.

After reading for a while, you should always put down the book and let the feelings take you captive. Let the book catch up with you. Do not be afraid to do some good old self-talk. It is okay. You are not crazy. People may think that there is a problem, but who cares, enjoy yourself.

I find that audio books or books on tape touch me in special ways. Try it! With the right narrator or spokes person you can be carried to faraway places.

Do not let this opportunity pass you by. It can be quite stimulating and astounding. Frankly, you will never be the same afterwards if audio books are done appropriately.

Remembering short and long passages from your reading, can also help in recalling. It can certainly make the reading enjoyable.

Try at every attempt to share what you are reading and learning with others. Write out your impressions of what you have just read.

Before going to bed, run over the reading work in your mind's eye. Just do the highlights. Clip out and collect things that are similar in your life.

The book, the author and the words may be trying to communicate with you.

One of the very best attempts, is to sit quietly and pick one topic, or person from the book and just sit in a quiet place and allow that person to take control or communicate with you.

Since everything is energy and very much alive, your thoughts should bring forth some pretty amazing ideas and concepts.

Try it! Sometimes, it is great to use these pocket cell phones that can carry great readings, plays, poetry and other works.

It is a pleasure to listen to works while doing your chores, waiting in long lines, walking or standing.

Reading is an escapism practice and you should always select a subject that you feel close to. Now, if it is a school matter, that is a very different story in deed.

However, you can still accelerate by reading aloud as you walk around the room. You can do much self-talk about what you are learning.

When you get the chance and if it is allowed, try to use "Brief Notes".

There are also other book summaries and reviews that will also help you pass the time. Now, with technology you can go to YouTube, and you may see a dramatization of the work.

You can always do a follow up study of the author or bits and pieces of what is in the reading.

If you are on Facebook or some other kind of social media, you will be able to share your topic with others and you just might get some good feedback. Come see us at

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